Home Programme Objectives Education Training Workshop Seminar Resources

The Intensive Teacher Training Programme (ITTP) is designed for both the new teachers and those who wish to update and/or refresh their knowledge and skills in specific areas of teaching. With clearly defined objectives of each module, participants would be able to choose the module(s) matched their learning needs.


Programme Structure
The ITTP comprises 5 modules for the 2011-12 cohort, each of which contains three sessions of 2 hours making a total of 30 hours. The focuses and learning outcomes of the 5 modules are shown as follows:

Module 1 (6 hours): The education environment locally and globally
Contents to be covered in this module:

  • The HK education system, including its legal bases, sources of funding and key milestones of development
  • The trend of education development globally
  • Introduction to Quality assurance and quality assurance agencies

Download: Intensive Synopses Module 1

Module 2 (6 hours): The theories and practice of course design in sub-degree sector
Contents to be covered in this module:

  • Concept and practice of Outcome Based Curriculum Development
  • Practices in developing the 4 key components of a curriculum: the outcomes, the contents, the pedagogy and the assessment

Download: Intensive Synopses Module 2

Module 3 (6 hours): Understanding student learning and the design of learning activities
Contents to be covered in this module:

  • The learning characteristics of students in sub-degree programmes
  • Key concepts in the planning of learning activities
  • Practices in planning learning activity for a particular group of students in learning a chosen topic

Download: Intensive Synopses Module 3

Module 4 (6 hours): The theories and practice of outcome based assessment design
Contents to be covered in this module:

  • Functions of assessment in the learning process
  • Assessment tools and the quality requirements of assessment
  • Practices in designing assessment to match learning outcomes

Download: Intensive Synopses Module 4

Module 5 (6 hours): Understanding target students
Contents to be covered in this module:

  • Adolescent characteristics and implications to behaviors and learning
  • Common pattern of student problems of the sub-degree level
  • Proper strategies and skills in handing student problems

Download: Intensive Synopses Module 5