Multiple Pathways for Post-secondary Education
FSTE’s role in the Post-Secondary Education Landscape of Hong Kong

Today, over 70% of Secondary School Leavers are enrolled in post-secondary education.
The opportunities for further studies are as shown in diagram on Multiple Pathways for HKDSE graduates. At the undergraduate level, about 15,000 new students are enrolled in government-funded universities / institutions each year. All eight University Grants Committee (UGC) funded institutions are Full Members of FSTE.
The extension arms of these institutions also provide self-financed degree programmes, including non-local programmesand ‘top-up’ degree programmes.
FSTE is a major player in the sub-degree sector. The enrolment figures for 2015/16 academic year show that there are nearly 20,000 new entrants and nearly 40,000 students registered in sub-degree programmes offered by Member Institutions of FSTE, in both Associate Degree (AD) and Higher Diploma (HD) streams.
Students who want a second chance to pursue further study may enroll in the DiplomaYi Jin (DYJ) programme which leads to a qualification comparable to attaining five subjects in HKDSE Level 2, including English and Chinese. Students who have successfully completed the Maths Plus elective course will lead to a qualification comparable to attaining five subjects in HKDSE level, including English, Chinese and Mathematics.
They are also recognized under the Qualifications Frameworks (QF) as meeting the accreditation standards at QF Level 3. DYJ graduates are eligible to apply for AD or HD programmes.