Organized by the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), a General Education conference, focusing on evolution and transformation, was held on 15-16 June 2017.
The Conference aims to facilitate the communication between the sub-degree and degree sectors as well as among self-financing and publicly-funded institutions in Hong Kong, with a view to taking sub-degree General Education further towards the goal of achieving smoother credit recognition by, and articulation to, the degree sector.
The HKSAR Permenant Secretary for Education, Mrs. Marion Lai, JP, Chairman of FSTE, Professor Peter Yuen, and Chairman of General Education Advisory Group, Professor Chetwyn Chan kicked off the 2-day conference with Opening Remark and Welcoming Address.
The first General Education Outstanding Teaching Award and awards for the Student Project Competition were also presented as Conference finale.
For details of the Conference and the Awards, or viewing of the event photos, please click on the following links:
Program Rundown and Speeches/Presentations
GE Outstanding Teaching Award 2017
Student GE Project Competition 2017
Our next conference focusing on Innovative Teaching & Learning will be held in late 2017. Please stay tuned for information on sign-ups!
Snapshots of the Conference: