
A great amount of high-quality papers were received and FSTE would like to thank all authors for their contributions.

Breakout Sessions

Session 1: Teaching and Learning Issues (1)

Enhancing the Student Experience – A Hong Kong Perspective
International Graduate Insight Group

Development of Generic Skills of Associate Degree Students in Hong Kong
HO Wai-tung, Joseph CH SO & Derek SY LAM
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Comparing the Happiness of Chinese Undergraduates in H.K., U.K., U.S.A. and Australia
Thomas WK YUEN & Winnie WL CHU
Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Factors Affecting Student Satisfaction and Performance Gap in relation to the Model of Strategic Enrolment, Graduation and Articulation (SEGA): The Case of Self-financing Higher Education in Hong Kong
Peggy ML NG, Connie KY MAK & Phoebe WONG
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Towards 2+2 Transfer: General Education Credit Recognition
Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education

Session 2: Teaching and Learning Issues (2)

Challenges Faced by Mainland Chinese Students of an Associate Degree (AD) Programme: A Case Study of College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
Sam LAU, Vicky LEE, Emily KO, William LAI & Amy TSANG
College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

Don’t Hide Our Students’ Competencies: The Importance to Establish the Hidden Competence
Jonathan ML KWOK, Macy MC WONG & Peggy ML NG
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

A Pilot Study Examining the Relationship of Mentor-led Study Group to the Self-efficacy, Study and Generic Skills of Students Studying in the Associate Degree in Health Studies
Ella YU
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Students’ Perception on the Different Assessment Methods in a Chinese Language Course
Catherine MS CHENG
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Who are the Preferred Part-time Lecturers? Students’ Perceptions in a Hong Kong Self-financing Institute
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Joseph WC LAU
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council

Session 3: Self-financing Education Policy Issues (1)

Self-financed Higher Education: The Hong Kong Experience
Raymond W SO
Hang Seng Management College

Regulating Power through Market (In)Segmentation: Inequality and Equivocal Diversification of Tertiary Education in Hong Kong
Hong Kong College of Technology

Education Hub – Concepts, Targets, and Policy Implications: The Case of Hong Kong
Peter P YUEN & Jason KY CHAN
College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
LEE Ngok
UNESCO Hong Kong Association
Stephanie W LEE & Vincent T LAW
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

A Study on the Application of Outcome-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Hong Kong
HK Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Alice YC TE
The University of Hong Kong

The Model of “Government, School & Self-financing Institutions Partnership (GSSIP)” in Hong Kong: Successful Experiences of the Education Bureau in Uplifting Kindergarten Teachers’ and Principals’ Qualification
Vincent WL WONG
School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

Session 4: Self-financing Education Policy Issues (2)

The Development and Challenges of Self-financing Higher Education in Hong Kong
Jack MK LO, WK YUNG & Eileen Q FENG
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Business Concept Model for Self-financing Higher Education Institutes
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Joseph WC LAU
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Vocational Training Council

Dynamic Performance Measurement System for a Self-financing Tertiary Institution: Integrating Governance for Quality and Sustainability
Artie NG
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Helen WONG
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Raymond WONG
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Continuous Professional Development and Lifelong Learning: Needs Assessment and Way Forward for Hong Kong’s Business and Industries
Peter P YUEN & Jason KY CHAN
College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Florence HC HO & Vincent T LAW
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Social History of Higher Education Expansion in Hong Kong (1978-present)
CHEUNG Kwok-wah & Henry YS KWOK
The Open University of Hong Kong