To provide a platform for thought leaders from tertiary institutions and industries to discuss the strategies and challenges in industry-institution collaboration, annual conference for the year will be embracive in agendas, covering good practices in quality assurance and delivery locally and globally, as well as the outlook of our graduates and the intended learning outcomes of the tertiary education.
The challenges surrounding youth employment have been regarded as intensively severe and drastically aggravating in the twenty-first century. Crisis and opportunity are twins that can go hand in hand to bring about a win-win situation for all major stakeholders — industries, institutions, graduates and the government. On this note, strong industry-institution collaboration would be of great assistance.
Find out more about the conference at Industry-Institution Collaboration and Lifelong Learning – The Necessary Transformation for Success.
About the Organisers
Established in 1994, the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) comprises all publicly-funded higher education institutions and major non-profit-making institutions providing tertiary/continuing education in Hong Kong as well as six individual members. It aims to advance the quality, promote collaboration and share good practices in the self-financing tertiary education sector in Hong Kong. Beliving in life-long learning, FSTE Members also provide a great majority of courses under HKSAR Continuing Education Fund.
The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) was established in 1990 as an independent statutory body to provide authoritative advice on academic standards of degree programmes in higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In 2007, the Council was reconstituted under the HKCAAVQ Ordinance (Chapter 1150). The HKCAAVQ provides quality assurance and assesment services to education and training institutions, course providers and the general public, as well as advisory and consultancy services in education qualifications and standards to government bureaux and other organisations in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.