Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) is the supreme governing body of FSTE. Its membership comprises official representatives appointed by their respective institutions. The total number of Directors tallies with the quantity of FSTE Full Members. Work of BoD is fully supported by the Executive Committee, which officers are elected amongst the Board members every two years.

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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) reports to the Board of Directors. It exercises all powers required by FSTE, subject to the provisions of Articles of the Association and to the directions as may be issued by the Board of Directors, including investment and deal with any of FSTE’s monies, acquisition or sell for FSTE as well as overseeing the operation of the FSTE Secretariat via the Secretary-General. It coordinates the work of the Committees and Working Groups appointed by the Board of Directors as well as appointing ad-hoc committees/working groups, project teams or task forces at any time. It also vets applications for membership of FSTE, considers membership status and makes recommendation to the Board.

Current Term (2023 – 2025)

Chairman: Professor Ronald CHUNG, Dean, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

Vice-Chairman: Professor CHAN Cheuk Hay, President, Hong Kong College of Technology

Honorary Secretary: Dr Joy SHI, President, Hong Kong Institute of Technology

Honorary Treasurer: Dr John Cribbin, Deputy Director (Academic Services), HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

Co-opted Members:

Professor Sally CHAN, President, Tung Wah College

Professor Reggie KWAN, Provost, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (w.e.f. 2024.08.01)

Professor Peter YUEN, Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Benjamin CHAN, Dean, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (until 2024.07.31)

Dr Kim MAK, BBS, JP, President, St Francis University (formerly Caritas Institute of Higher Education) and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (until 2024.02.29)

Ms Gladys YAM, Deputy Executive Director, Vocational Training Council (until 2024.12.23)

Ex-officio Member: Dr Dorothy HON, FSTE Secretary-General

Secretary: Ms Promena PO, FSTE Head of Corporate Services

Membership and Membership Development Committee

The Membership and Membership Development Committee (MMDC) reviews the membership criteria from time to time. It also considers membership applications and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee.
Chairman: Dr CHAN Cheuk Hay, President, Hong Kong College of Technology

Members: Representatives from Member Institutions & Dr Dorothy HON, FSTE Secretary-General

Secretary: Ms Promena PO, FSTE Head of Corporate Services

Research and Development Committee

The Research and Development (R&D) Committee studies various topical issues pertaining to the improvement of continuing education in Hong Kong to encourage R&D activity amongst local self-financing tertiary education sector. It monitors research projects undertaken by FSTE from Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) and various commissioned studies to provide assurance of overall quality and expertise of different aspects. The committee also reviews recommendations on project submission and sets up task forces for specific issues.
Chairman: Professor Peter YUEN, Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Members: Representatives from Member Institutions

Secretary:  FSTE Project Officer

Investment Sub-committee (2023-25)

The Investment Committee formulates strategies and exercises powers vested in Executive Committee in dealing with FSTE investments.
Convenor: Dr John Cribbin, FSTE Honorary Treasurer

Professor Ronald CHUNG, FSTE Chairman

Mr Raymond CHIU, Director of Finance, Finance Office, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Professor Peter YUEN,Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Dorothy HON, FSTE Secretary-General

Secretary: Ms Promena PO, FSTE Head of Corporate Services