About Us

Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education
FSTE membership comprises all publicly-funded higher education institutions and major non-profit-making institutions providing tertiary/continuing education in Hong Kong as well as 6 Individual Members.
FSTE members offer a variety of programmes, ranging from sub-degree to degree levels, in full-time and part-time modes, covering academic, vocational and professional streams, as well as transnational (also known as “non-local”) programmes. Believing in life-long learning, FSTE members also provide a great majority of courses under Continuing Education Fund (CEF) in Hong Kong.

FSTE endeavours to:
- Advocate the advancement of standards and academic quality of Hong Kong’s self-financing tertiary education encompassing undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, sub-degrees, pre-tertiary programmes as well as lifelong and professional education.
- Provide a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing information, research, and promoting good practices in learning and teaching in the context of self-financing tertiary education.
- Foster collaboration with the Government, industries, professional bodies and other stakeholders to extend the impact of Hong Kong’s tertiary education to the neighbouring regions and beyond.