Art Jamming Pop Art 普普藝術畫工作坊

FSTE Anniversary Celebratory Event Series | Student Enrichment

Registration Closing Date : 29 May 2024

Quota: 15–30 | Free of Charge

Target: Full-time students of FSTE Member Institutions

Event details

Pop Art is an exciting, colorful and vibrant art movement, which broke down the barriers between so-called “high art” and commercial/“low” art as seen in popular culture.

Aiming at enriching students’ creativity and artistic horizon, this complimentary workshop (for full-time students of FSTE Member Institutions only) provided an opportunity for students to learn about Pop Art, and to create a unique piece of art on their own by applying the distinctive techniques under guidance from the instructor.   The workshop also served as a platform for students to exchange with fellows from other institutions.

普普藝術(Pop Art)色彩鮮豔、對比強烈,並融入流行文化的元素,是一個探討通俗文化與藝術之間關連的藝術運動,試圖推翻抽象藝術而轉移以商標、明星、劃時代的人與物為主題,期望令藝術更貼近大眾文化。透過是次體驗工作坊,同學可以使用塑膠彩進行繪畫,並在導師指導下學習塗繪技巧、色彩表達情緒以及簡化構圖,更可以創作出獨特的作品並與其他院校同學交流。

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