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FSTE 30th Anniversary Booklet

Incorporated in 1994, Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year.  To mark its pearl jubilee, FSTE is determined to take a bigger step in contributing to the sector and the community.  Primarily opened to FSTE Member Institutions, an array of celebratory events (covering academic, professional, and fun) will be rolled out from May until end of 2024.

自資高等教育聯盟(FSTE)於1994年成立,一直致力提升本地自資專上教育的專業質素和水平。於2024年迎來成立30周年的重要里程碑,FSTE 會堅持以盡心盡力的精神為自資高等教育界別及社會作出更大的貢獻 FSTE20245月至年底舉辦一系列涵蓋學術、專業和有趣的慶祝活動,與FST成員院校及合作伙伴一起歡度珍禧誌慶。